DOH: cases of
dengue-like mosquito-borne disease now rising
As a parent we make sure that our children are safe from
harm. We always gather inform that we think will help us in making sure that we
do that part right. But do we really know everything.
Little did we know that aside from dengue, there are many
other life-threatening mosquito-borne diseases that have hounded Filipinos for
decades. Though there is no vaccine
available in the country to cure these illnesses, preventive measures are
available to assure safety of adults and children alike.
Last October, the Department of Health (DOH) warned the
public to take extra precautions against the chikungunya virus. The DOH confirmed that there were 150
recorded cases of this dengue-like disease last month. And last year, more than 1,000 cases of
chikungunya were recorded in the country.