There is now a way for us to check and detect our food
intolerance. Reactions to certain foods are quite common. However, some reactions go unnoticed until
certain abnormal manifestations occur – internally (physiological) or
externally (physical, i.e. on skin).Where food ALLERGY has almost an immediate
reaction, food INTOLERANCE, on the other hand, does not immediately manifest.
Sometimes, it takes as much several months or as short as days for symptoms to
be obvious.
According to Nutrition and Lifestyle Counselor Ginny
Sinense-Marksl, RND, food intolerance often occurs in people who eat normal or
even very common food substance (rice, egg, dairy, wheat) that they are highly
sensitive to. These foods cause inflammations in their body that could manifest
as allergy-like reactions such as diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps and at
times, skin rashes that almost never seem to subside.Also, it could be one of
the major reasons why it is difficult to manage any weight problem.
Food intolerance may involve some or all the same symptoms
as food allergies. “While food allergies are acute reactions to a particular
food substance and can cause life-threatening symptoms, food intolerance is
chronic and less severe but, nevertheless aggravating to optimum health,” said Marksl.
A number of reactions surface when a person is found to be
intolerant on a specific food item. However, some people could still eat small
amounts of food they are “intolerant” to without any immediate physiological or
physical reaction.