As a mom, I was always on a look-out for ways and means as to how to earn extra earnings that would help with our monthly expenses. Having five kids in the five is not an easy task; sending them to school and providing for their needs plus the everyday expenses take a large toll in our pocket.
I was lucky enough to be informed that even my vehicle could help in my finances. With the continuous rising of prices of gas and diesel, I view my car more in the expenditure side rather than an income generating business. With my car, I was able to generate extra earnings in form of gas just by installing a sticker that promotes a brand of a company.
Working in a billboard advertising company a few years back, I know for a fact that the cost for advertising product cost a large amount of money. There are many process to follow and permits to acquire before a company could advertise their product in a billboard.
There are other ways to promote or advertise a certain brand, but it doesn’t guarantee the mileage and exposure that a company needs to be able to present their product to the market, MyFreeGas understand this dilemma.
MyFreeGas is a marketing company that gives chance to vehicle owners like me to earn my way to free gas. MyFreeGas is the solution for companies to promote their brand in a limited budget.
MyFreeGas can assure that the mileage and exposure that a brand needs could be met.
Imagine if you have a brand that you want to promote or advertise. A certain vehicle will be in charge to carry your brand around metro and even better, outside metro. A minimum of 300 kms of mileage or more is the required exposure. The sticker will have a 20 x 3.5 size and will be installed in the rear bumper or windshield of the vehicle
As for us vehicle owners, we will earn P1000 worth of gas just by having a sticker in our car. I was assured that after a month after they installed the sticker, a Caltex Starcard will be issued. The sticker is made from vinyl; it will assure that no harm will come upon the finish of every vehicle. I had installed several stickers from the school of my children and it cost me, why not install a sticker that will let me earn a free gas.
Registration was easy, both for the
advertiser and for vehicle owner's like me. There are just some
information that was need to fill-up, so that both the advertiser and the profile of the owners can be matched.
There are now several companies that are benefiting from this campaign , one of them is Mcdonalds
View these slide show for information
For more detail and question, and registration you can visit their website