Christmas is just around the corner and every one is set on their shopping. Divisoria is one of the places that’s comes into the mind of every pinoy. I have a stall in Divisoria and every year there are some incidents that makes this time of celebration a painful experience to others. I’m just here to give some tips for those of you that are thinking of getting your gifts purchase in Divisoria
- Be ready , really ready to a whole day of shopping
- Wear comfortable footwear
- Don’t wear any jewelries, even silver accessories
- Bring a big bag where you can put all your stuff
- Secure you wallet, always put you bag in front of you
- Don’t bring any gadget, even you cellphone
- Bring a bottle of water
- Don’t bring your kid with you
- Know your location, don’t be afraid to ask for direction
- List down your item, there are so many things that will get your attention and you might ended up, not getting what you really need.
That’s all for now, if you have any question, just post your comment and I will try my best to answer all of it.