
Showing posts from May 28, 2017

Make brushing more fun with Minions

From the moment you see that first tooth pushing it way to your child’s gum, you know you had to prepare on just how you can protect those tooth. You make a plan, as if you are guarding a treasure that no man or cavity can just steal away without a fight. For that, let me count the ways to make brushing fun that they couldn’t wait to do it over and over again Let me rephrase that, h ow can I make brushing more fun for the family? First, have them pick their own toothbrush. Well you know how kids are; they have certain attachment to the things they use Second, the cuter, the better. Just look how they eyes droll over their toothbrush because they find it cute. Third, make sure that they enjoy holding their brush and it fits their palm as if they feel they really own it.

My Makati Street Meet Sunday Groove and Shopping Spree Experience

I usually spend my Sundays by just going to church but last May 28, 2017 was a different story. I was invited to take part to groove and move to the beat at the Makati Street Meet.

First Time Parents Workshop Series 2017

Calling All Expectant Parents! First Time Parents Workshop Series 2017 on its 3rd Run this Year! When two people get married, one of the goals that they have is to have their own children.  Once they get pregnant, the expectant parents are very excited to prepare for the coming of their first child.  They announce it on social media, document all the pre-natal check-ups, shop for baby essentials, and even attend classes to prepare them for the coming of their baby.  Friends and family are excited about the coming of the baby!

My McDonalds Despicable Me 3 Toys and How You Can Get Them

I was invited last May 29, 2017 to attend the launch of McDonalds Despicable Me 3 themed Happy Meal and Menu Items at McDonalds. There are several games and activities to join during the event. For each activity, I was able to get GC’s which entitle me for a free French fries, Mcfloat, Burger and coffee. The highlight of the event is the launch of the McDonalds Despicable Me 3 themed Happy Meal and Menu Items at McDonalds.