FAITH : Mission Book 1

I was fortune last April 14, 2011 to be invited for the launching of FAITH: Mission Book 1 at the Manila Hotel. As a Christian, I believe in faith and destiny. It was no coincidence that I was invited in this momentous event. Every since I can remember, faith has always guided me in my endeavors in life.  I was so happy that the Author Archimedes Fontanos Penara was able to carry out what God has asked him to do. After all the trials and ordeal in is life, here comes the turning point in his life.  He could not believe that that he was chosen to awaken humankind of God’s True Words through mathematical representation. With many proofs presented to him, he carried the tasks on his shoulders and braved all the odds that came his way. He was able to accomplish what God has wanted with the help of Dr. Evangeline Manaois Macaso. I believe that being involve in religious activities has herself, she too was guided to accomplish this undertaking with God’s grace. Dr. Macaso is responsible in introducing Mr. Archimedes Penera to Mrs. Jovita Diaz-Aquino, the publisher of Book Craft Publishing Co. Inc. What ever she is now is a result of all the hard the work and persistence.  She is persistent to be triumphant because she believes the Book of Craft is an answered prayer, a gift from the Holy Spirit.  Thus, she started with a vision in creating quality textbooks which would inspire and challenge learners to improve and to succeed in their school task.

I believe that everything happen for a reason. It’s not just an accident that these three wonderful people met each other.

 FAITH: Mission Book 1 is now available at Fully Booked.

Let’s all reflect this Lenten Season.

I want to thank the publisher (Book Craft Publishing Company) and authors for the opportunity of owning a copy.

Mommy Lariza

Congratulations and More Power to all of you.


  1. Hi. I just want to share to your followers the VTR about the author and the facebook account of Book Craft Publishing

    About Mr. Penara-

    Book Craft facebook page-



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