#WeAreHomeMade. : No to Parent Judging Campaign

There’s no place like home. Just like what Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz said.

So many things happen in our life, in our career and whether it’s good or bad, going back to the roots; our home is there to share these moments. We learn the basic from our home, first of everything and whatever we may have become; it’s our home that first taught us all of this.

Parents, as guardians of the house, raise their children the best way they know how. Big or small, it’s what parents do that builds and shapes a home. When a little act is done with love, it’s all that matters because love echoes the warmth of a home.

A strong supporter of different acts of love witnessed at home, Tang Philippines knows that a home filled with homemade goodness is a home full of love. We’ve all learned many things from how we are brought up at home and these experiences help shape who we are today

Love is present when #WeAreHomeMade. 

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