Cyberzone Technolife Affair at the SM Megamall

Cyberzone host a three (3)day Technolife Affair at SM Megamall this March 24-26 at the Events center.

Cyberzone  Technolife Affair showcaw the hottest and latest gadgets but share seminars for techie or not so techie persons. Whats interesting is that its not showcase gadgets but present talks and seminars for everyone who participate to the event.

For a "stone age" mom and a new blogger, I was so happy that there's an event that host both of worlds that I love to learn more. Cyberzone taps most of the new product and gadgets that are new to market. Techno companies showcase their  lines and even give guest/clients freebies.
Not only this event  shows new gadgets but they also present some of the personalities that this new techie era loves.

One of the company that present it's latest launch is Microsoft with its IE9, it was just launch last March. 21 at the Microsoft Head Office.

Day 3 was one the date that I kept in mind, for none other than the Blog Man himself grace the event to impart his knowledge on blogging. Being a new blogger myself, I want to learn about thing that will make my blogspot more personal and professional, From his discussion, so many things were reveal to me and make me want to learn more. I now understand that blogging is not just copy paste and always have to the courtesy to thank your source. I have a lot to learn regarding how to attract your readers, how to share your blogs trough so many social network like facebook, twitter and other means. Blogging is not just for money making , but for your personal fun and satisfaction. I really hope that I could still learn more for I do love to have my own personal diary or journal as others call it in online.

Azrael Coladilla a.k.a Blog Man

For more events and promos do check!/smcyberzone!/azraelcoladilla!/MicrosoftPhilippines


  1. In that event of SM Cyberzone I bought my new Samsung Galaxy for a low price! I'm so lucky! :)


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