ZOORI'S ADVENTURE at Enchanted Kingdom

EJ at the entrace of ZOORI's ADVENTURE

If you're at the Enchanted Kingdom, I recommend that you don't miss to visit ZOORI's Adventure. Entrance fee cost P 60.00 but if purchase the ticket together with the EK PASS, you will only be charged P50. This is one of  ZOOMANITY project.

Here are some of the stuff that you will love :

There are six rooms inside :

Jungle Room

River Room

Vortex Tunnel
Incline Room

Log Balance

Storm Room

Souvenir  Shop

According to Ms. Emily, the ZOORI's Adventure will relocate inside the Enchanted Kingdom to give way to live animals. Also, as part of their service to their client, a camera was positioned inside each room to capture your moments inside. This doesn't mean that you have to pay for this picture. It's the decision of the client if he or she wants to avail of this photos. It cost around P 199, from my point of view, not bad  at all.

Mommy Lariza  with Ms. Emily Francisco ( Zoori's Adventure)      


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