Dulcolax : Feel Light Live Right

Feeling light and live right by giving proper attention to  your digestive health especially when it come to regular bowel movement was the topic that was discuss at the recent event by Dulcolax.

With the busy schedules and suffering from constipation, Dulcolax tablet at bedtime will work with your body’s natural biorhythm to produce bowel movement in the morning. It provides predictable relief in 6 to 12 hours.  It is safe and effective because the concentration was all in your abdominal. It will not mix with your blood as well.
Dulcolax is a product of Boehringer Ingelheim

These are the thing that was discuss by the speakers present during the event

             Even brand endorser, Kim Jones mentions that because she’s been living a very hectic life nowadays with all the projects she’s been doing, whenever she can’t move, she takes (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax. All the stress and traveling are making her occasionally constipated so she relies on the one sure thing that she believes can provide that predictable, safe and effective solution. She takes (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax, no questions asked.
 According to Dr. Jaime Ignacio, Section Chief of Gastroenterology at the Veterans Hospital and the Head of the Digestive Malignancy Council of the Philippine Society of Gastroenterology, “what may seem like an ordinary experience, can actually lead to more complications such as headaches, lower back pain, skin problems, fecal impactions and hemorrhoids. Constipation may also be a symptom of more serious diseases like colon cancer, diabetes or scleroderma, an autoimmune disorder that involves changes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles and internal organs.  While there is no way to totally prevent constipation, there are preventive steps such as proper diet and fluid intake, exercise and acting on the urge of moving help to regulate bowel movement.

If none of these preventive measures work, a proven safe and effective treatment is available in (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax, the world’s number 1 laxative.
According to Dr. Edith Dalisay, Medical Director of Boehringer Ingelheim and a very seasoned and noted Endocrinologist, (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax has a dual digest flow system that supports the body’s natural process of elimination: (1) it stimulates intestinal muscle movement; (2) increases water accumulation in our digestive system resulting to predictable constipation relief in just 6 to 12 hours. (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax tablet is best taken at bedtime in order to work with your body's natural biorhythms to produce a bowel movement in the morning. The tablet has a protective coating so it acts on the target organ, the colon, making it safe even for lactating women.

“Our modern, busy lifestyles make us all highly susceptible to different ailments, particularly to constipation. I am proud to say that (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax continues it strong legacy of providing solutions to making people feel light and relieved each morning so that they can live right throughout the day,” says Jo-ann Ramos, brand manager of (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax.

With these people backing up the reliability of Dulcolax, what more can you ask for?


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