Feel Light, Live Right: throgh Dulcolax Preventing Digestive Stress Due To Modern Living
In today’s modern, fast-paced society, the demands of
everyday living is putting everyone’s health at risk. Fatigue and stress,
unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activities are some of the
negative implications of a hectic, workaholic lifestyle.
In a recent study, 2 out of 5 adult Filipinos suffer from
stress. Stress causes changes in bodily functions including the digestive
system. Constipation, a gastrointestinal abnormality is among the top 5
ailments people experience when they’re stressed or when they don’t eat right.
Constipation is medically defined as having fewer than 3
bowel movements in a week. This happens when peristalsis or the involuntary
muscle movement in the colon fails to work properly and there is not enough
water in the colon. Thus, making bowel movements occur less often than usual
and the stool becomes hard and dry making it painful or difficult to pass.
Constipation, according to studies, can affect one’s disposition and work
performance. People are more likely to be irritable and emotionally unstable at
work when they are unable to move their bowels.
For over 50 years, (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax has a full
range of products – tablet, suppository and syrup format – to cater to adults
and children. It is proven safe and effective even for children and
breastfeeding women.
Just like with any medication, if symptoms persist after
three days of medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
It’s not easy to avoid the harmful implications of our
present lifestyle, but with proper attention to digestive health including
regular bowel movement, we can prevent a host of diseases and help ensure our
body’s overall everyday well-being in the long run.
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